This year, we saw more patients than ever before with almost 1.7 million patient visits. In the face of growing pressures within the health care system, we are all in, committed to challenging the limits of what is possible today, to shape a healthier tomorrow.
Read MoreAmidst capacity pressures we are relentless in our commitment to ensure that patients and families can access high quality care and an exceptional experience. To do this we continue to balance the need for greater access to services as well as the sustainability of our system. Working with our government and health sectors partners we have increased capacity by securing access to up to 155 beds at facilities within the community for patients who no longer require acute care but who are not ready to go home. In doing so, we have been able to fill up more space within the hospital to care for our sickest patients.
Through prudent fiscal management and support from government we have been able to ensure that all of our hospital beds remain fully funded and available for patients who need them. Strong financial stewardship has also allowed us to make important investments in much needed capital equipment, a new Hospital Information System and in hiring over 500 new nurses, allied health professionals and service staff to support additional capacity.
By implementing best practices and new ways of delivering care we have improved access to services, including cutting wait times for high priority cancer surgery by 14 percent, a 48 percent improvement in wait times for Ontario Breast Screening Program MRIs, a 56 percent reduction in cancelled surgeries due to capacity, and a 7 percent improvement in the time it takes to receive the cardiac procedure to stop a heart attack, making THP a top provincial performer. Thanks to generous support from our community, THP became the first hospital in Ontario to obtain the DaVinci Xi, an advanced surgical robot and the technological heart of our Robotic-Assisted Surgery Program, which performs innovative and precise procedures that are designed to reduce pain and complications while enhancing and accelerating recovery.
While we remain focused on providing patients with high quality care today, we are also building for the future to meet the needs of the community. We are in the planning stages of a major capital redevelopment project at the Mississauga Hospital and the Queensway Health Centre that will increase health care services capacity for the community. We are also working closely with partners like Indus Community Services, Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care and Heart House Hospice to advance our plans for new long-term care beds and palliative services in Mississauga.
As we move forward, our most important partnership will continue to be the one we have with the community. It is the cornerstone of who we are. This year thousands of people participated in our community events and telephone town hall meeting. Through the dedicated work of our Foundation and the generosity of our volunteers, donors and community partners we have raised $38.8 million this year to support the high priority and future needs of the hospital.
None of the accomplishments of the past year would be possible without the passion and dedication of our incredible staff, physicians, nurses, allied health professionals, learners, volunteers and donors. Thank you for your ongoing commitment to providing exceptional care.
The Community We Serve
Our Priorities
Our Patients
From Flatline to Forever:
38 minutes that changed a newlywed’s life
Just weeks before his wedding, 34-year-old Kevin Singh suffered a cardiac arrest. After 38 minutes of CPR, he was brought back to life. Almost one-year to the day, Kevin and his new wife Savi got the opportunity to thank the clinical team at Credit Valley Hospital that gave him a second chance at life.
View on youTubeFinancials
Trillium Health Partners (THP) is pleased to report that after 12 months of delivering high quality, exceptional patient care, THP has ended the fiscal year (April 1, 2018 - March 31, 2019) with balanced results of operation.
In the face of continued pressure from a growing demand for services this past year, we remained committed to meeting the needs of patients and providing the community we serve with high quality, accessible, sustainable care.
Through rigorous financial management, operations planning and execution, and additional funding from the government, we successfully finished the year with a modest surplus. Through prudent stewardship of resources, we have invested in important capital equipment, including a new CT scanner to reduce wait times, x-ray machines, ventilators and physiological monitors.
In the year ahead – the first year of our new strategic plan – we will continue to deliver high quality care and exceptional patient experiences today, while making important investments to shape a healthier tomorrow, in a responsible and fiscally conscious manner. Building on the momentum of this past year’s achievements, we will continue to build a new kind of health care for a healthier community.

Full audited financial statements are available at this link, or by calling Communications and Public Affairs at 905-848-7580 ext. 1636