Messages from
our Leaders
A Message from our Board Chairs and CEOs
Thank you for the opportunity to share our 2022 Annual Community Report, reflecting a year of resilience and growth for Trillium Health Partners (THP). As this community faced the second year of the largest health care emergency of our generation, THP and its valued partners came together, united in a shared commitment to serve those who need us the most.
We are deeply grateful for the efforts of our staff and physicians for leading our COVID-19 response effort and protecting the community like never before. As we faced new COVID-19 variants and the absence of family members at the bedside due to pandemic restrictions, we cared for the most COVID-19 patients of any hospital in Ontario. Through robust testing and mass vaccination programs, we completed over 283,000 COVID-19 tests and worked shoulder to shoulder with community partners to administer more than 528,000 vaccines. As we adapt to living with COVID-19, we will use what we have learned throughout this pandemic and continue to work together on system recovery and set new standards in patient experience and outcomes.
Ten years ago we set a bold vision to create a new kind of health care for a healthier community. Since then, our remarkable journey has included working together across all sites to strengthen patient care services and improve high quality care close to home; partnering with the University of Toronto to train future clinical leaders; creating the Institute for Better Health to apply cutting-edge science and innovation in health service delivery; implementing a single electronic health record; launching Partners Community Health to grow long-term care and community health services capacity in Mississauga; and forming system partnerships including the Mississauga Ontario Health Team to enable countless opportunities to improve access to care.
And we are just getting started. As we look to the next 10 years and how to meet the growing and changing needs of this community, we were excited to announce Trillium HealthWorks this year – the largest health care infrastructure project in Canadian history. Trillium HealthWorks will expand capacity through the development of The Peter Gilgan Mississauga Hospital on the existing site of the Mississauga Hospital, expansion of the future home of The Gilgan Family Queensway Health Centre, and community partnership projects, such as a new long-term care home that will add over 600 much-needed long-term care beds to the Mississauga community.
In support of these ambitious plans, we were honoured to receive an historic $105 million gift from renowned philanthropist Peter Gilgan, representing the largest donation to a hospital in Canadian history and it has the ability to impact millions of people. We also received a number of incredibly generous donations from community members and community leaders alike, to raise a record-setting $183.3 million this year. Thank you to the many new friends and long-time supporters – both corporate and individual – whose generous contributions will help us build a stronger community together.
Caring for one of the hardest-hit communities throughout the pandemic has brought the inequities of the health care system into sharp focus. Many in this community face barriers to care that means a higher risk of both mental and physical illness. The disruption of services, such as the cancellation of surgeries and diagnostic tests, mean patients will wait longer for care in Peel Region than in other parts of the province. The uneven impact of the pandemic has strengthened our resolve to create a system of care that leaves no one behind.
As we look to the future, we can see that THP is uniquely positioned to create a new kind of health care. Our size and scale – coupled with a growing, complex, and geographically defined population – puts us in an unmatched position to drive significant change. We will continue to commit to nurturing community partnerships, medical leadership, clinical expertise, and innovation that will help us succeed.
To everyone at THP, thank you for living our values of compassion, excellence and courage. Your commitment to ensuring high quality care and an excellent patient experience, even during the most challenging times, was exceptional and made a difference to the people who depend on us. To our community, thank you for all you have done to support THP and one another during this year. We continue to be inspired by each one of you shining examples of what it means to be Better Together.
Michèle Darling
Board Chair,
Trillium Health Partners
Karli Farrow
President and CEO,
Trillium Health Partners
Shihab Zubair
Board Chair,
Trillium Health Partners Foundation
Caroline Riseboro
President and CEO,
Trillium Health Partners Foundation
A Message from our Chief of Staff and Chief Nursing Executive
At Trillium Health Partners (THP), we are a reflection of the community we serve. Many of us live and work in this community, caring for patients who are our neighbours and friends. While the impact of the pandemic was felt by all of us in different ways, this past year our talented physicians, staff, learners, and volunteers came together to support this community like never before, demonstrating unwavering courage and compassion as the pandemic continued to evolve.
The COVID-19 pandemic demanded much from our people and, in response, we gave more than ever before. Without hesitation, our clinical teams took on new assignments and worked in unfamiliar environments to deliver care and support colleagues. They stood in for family members when visiting wasn’t possible and filled in on units when colleagues contracted COVID-19. They worked in partnership with community resources and partner hospitals to find solutions to capacity pressures and coordinate transfers of highly vulnerable patients, both to and from THP. They supported those who needed to wait longer for non-urgent surgeries, diagnostic procedures and tests. We acknowledge that in practicing on the front line of this pandemic, our teams have witnessed the tremendous loss of life and suffering, which has taken its toll in ways yet to be fully realized.
Everyone, from those on the front line to those in leadership roles, came together and recommitted to this singular purpose. Countless stories of perseverance and humanity that have surfaced continue to underscore the calibre of our people that is second to none.
As we reflect on the challenges and triumphs over this past year, we know the importance of taking time to grieve what was lost and find meaning and hope in what lies ahead. There is comfort in finding new ways to connect, providing care in innovative ways, and being there for one another. With this in mind, we are hopeful that this experience has strengthened our bond to the community and inspired us to make meaningful change. The lessons we learned during the pandemic will inspire us to reinvent the delivery of health care in Mississauga and West Toronto and invent our own future.
Thank you to everyone across our organization who continues to serve during this unprecedented time. We are so proud of what we have accomplished and look forward to building the future of THP together.
Dr. Dante Morra
Chief of Staff,
Trillium Health Partners
Kathryn Hayward-Murray
Chief Nursing Executive,
Trillium Health Partners
Building a
Healthier Community
Stories from the Community
Building a Stronger Community, Together
Ten years ago when we came together as one hospital, we knew that change was needed to deliver the best possible care and meet the rapidly changing health needs of this community. Over the next 20 years, no hospital in Ontario will face more demand for services than Trillium Health Partners (THP). Moving forward, Trillium HealthWorks is our plan to respond to the needs of the growing, diverse community we serve every day and build a healthier community for the future.
Trillium HealthWorks is the largest health infrastructure renewal project in Canada’s history with major redevelopment projects that will create capacity through The Peter Gilgan Mississauga Hospital built on the existing the Mississauga Hospital site, and an expansion at the future home of The Gilgan Family the Queensway Health Centre to include a modern, dedicated centre for complex continuing care and rehabilitation services. Trillium HealthWorks also includes the construction of two new long-term care homes in Mississauga to be operated by Partners Community Health. This new health centre will create more than 600 additional long-term care beds in the community, providing specialized care closer to home, while relieving capacity across THP's hospital sites.
In February 2022, THP was honoured to receive an historic $105 million donation from renowned philanthropist Peter Gilgan and The Peter Gilgan Foundation, the largest donation to a hospital in Canadian history. This transformational gift will enable the construction of The Peter Gilgan Mississauga Hospital and expansion of the future home of The Gilgan Family Queensway Health Centre.
Trillium HealthWorks is an important part of our plan to design health care around the needs of patients to make it work for everyone, leaving no one behind and building a healthier community, together.
Leading the Way for Targeted Oncology Care
Faster treatment and reduced wait times. This year the Carlo Fidani Regional Cancer Centre at Trillium Health Partners (THP) became the first hospital in Central Canada to introduce HyperArc, an innovative technology that treats cancer patients with multiple brain metastases in a single visit.
Brain metastases are tumours that develop when cancer spreads to the brain. Before HyperArc, patients were treated for one metastasis at a time, meaning multiple hospital visits. But with this precise radiosurgical treatment, the average treatment time per metastasis has been reduced from 40 minutes to four minutes.
Our radiation program operates longer hours per day and treats more patients per linear accelerator (LINAC) than any other radiation program in Ontario. The efficiencies available through HyperArc technology have increased accessibility to treatment and reduced the time and frequency of hospital visits for patients.
Enhancing Safety for Seniors Outside the Hospital
Mississauga's long-term care and retirement homes experienced significant challenges during the pandemic. Aging facilities, limited ability to isolate sick residents, and lack of infection prevention and control (IPAC) measures created conditions for the virus to spread. In 2021, we partnered with the Ministry of Health to serve 70 long-term care, retirement, and congregate and assisted living settings across the region to help keep vulnerable residents safe.
In addition to guiding THP’s pandemic response within the hospital, our small but mighty team of IPAC specialists partnered with public health, long-term care and retirement homes, day programs and other congregate living settings to educate and train staff, caregivers, visitors and residents on IPAC safety. We offered training on hand hygiene, proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE), enhanced cleaning, requirements for screening, testing, masking, physical distancing, vaccination and outbreak management.
Through these partnerships, community settings were able to access timely IPAC expertise and guidance for COVID-19 prevention and response. This collaborative approach empowered residences to build their own cultures of safety. By reducing the risk of infection transmission, the quality of life for its residents is improved by keeping residents, their families, and staff safe.

Our Commitment to Antiracism and Inclusion
We care for one of the most diverse communities in the world, where more than half of residents were born outside of Canada. This diversity extends to the people who work, practice, learn and volunteer at this hospital and has motivated us to confront and counter the racism that exists both inside and outside of the hospital walls. Only through a commitment to becoming an anti-racist organization can we create a health care system that is inclusive and leaves no one behind.
Our work has prioritized dismantling anti-Black racism through listening, unlearning, and active rebuilding. We have created the THP Circle on Antiracism and Inclusion, a platform for staff, professional staff, and learners who represent multiple programs, roles, sites, demographics, and lived experiences. The THP Circle has begun the work to co-design an antiracism and inclusion plan, by contributing its expertise, insights, and strategic advice. As this plan is being charted, members of the THP Circle will help design and deliver specific actions to create change. This year, this included training on interrupting micro-aggressions, leading to higher levels of awareness and accountability across the organization.
Outside our walls, we are working with the Institute for Better Health and community partners from across this region to explore how to safely collect data on the social determinants of health to address persistent and growing health inequities affecting the community we serve. Through partnerships like this, we will better understand barriers to care and begin to break them down to create an inclusive and equitable health care system.
As we continue to champion a culture of inclusion, we will report on our progress and hold ourselves accountable for change and strengthening our connections across the community to shape a health system that is inclusive, equitable, and accessible for all.
Partnering for Better Community Health
With the lowest number of long-term care beds per resident anywhere in Ontario, and the number of seniors expected to triple by 2035, access to long-term care is a growing need in Mississauga and West Toronto.
This year, Partners Community Health (PCH) was launched. This new, independent not-for-profit charitable organization will partner on the delivery of community-based services, beginning with a new health centre in Mississauga. The new health centre will be an interconnected community for seniors and caregivers that includes 632 long-term care beds, operated by PCH, that will meet the latest design, quality and safety standards, and significantly improve access to care in the community. It will also help relieve capacity across the THP system, where many patients wait for long-term care placement. We will also partner with Heart House Hospice, who will build and operate Mississauga’s first residential hospice as part of a later phase of the project.
The homes will feature supportive and specialized care for seniors, including two units specially designed to safely care for people who live with advanced dementia, a dialysis program for long-term care residents and members of the community living with chronic kidney disease, and an adult day program.
Significant progress has been made toward construction completion and building occupancy in 2023.
Confronting COVID-19: Vaccines, Testing and Treatment
At Trillium Health Partners (THP), we have cared for more COVID-19 patients than any hospital in Ontario. Caring for a community that was hard hit with each pandemic peak required us to work across the Greater Toronto Area to ensure everyone received the care they needed. Part of this response focused on keeping the community safe through vaccination, testing, and therapeutic treatments.
Since March 2020, we provided community testing at Credit Valley Hospital’s Drive-Thru COVID-19 Assessment Centre. When it closed two years later in March 2022, more than 283,000 COVID-19 tests had been completed.
Community partnerships played an enormous role in our efforts to vaccinate as many Mississauga residents as possible. We began by prioritizing vaccines for long-term care homes and essential workers, while training first responders to administer vaccine doses. In addition to opening hospital-run clinics, we partnered with the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM) and Region of Peel to operate one of the largest single-site vaccine clinics in Canada at UTM. In February 2022, we also collaborated with the Mississauga Ontario Health Team to host four mobile vaccine clinics. Across all of our clinics, the COVID-19 vaccine program delivered more than 528,000 doses to the community.
Working with local and regional partners, we supported a unique community-based model to provide oral anti-viral treatments for COVID-19 to those with a higher risk of severe illness. Our team of pharmacy and infectious disease specialists acted as a support hub for community providers.
This remarkable response was made possible because of the entire THP team and our valued partners who stayed focused on one goal: working to support patients, the community, and each other.
Syeda and Baby Masha’s Story
Syeda was 32 weeks pregnant when she tested positive for COVID-19. Two days later, Syeda’s oxygen levels began to drop. She was rushed to hospital and placed on a ventilator. To save her live, and the life of her baby, decisions had to be made quickly. This is the story of the incredible lifesaving care Syeda and her baby received at THP.
THP by the numbers

Year-over-year data and comparative data to other hospitals »
Year-over-year comparison of our patient volumes »
The Community We Serve
Financial Reporting
Trillium Health Partners (THP) is pleased to report that after providing access to safe, high quality patient care for this community during the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have ended the fiscal year (April 1, 2021 - March 31, 2022) with balanced results of operations.
This year we continued to face the unprecedented challenges that come with operating in a pandemic hot spot and responding to successive waves. Essential to our response was increasing capacity to care for the community, continuing to provide critical testing for the virus, and delivering vaccinations in collaboration with our community partners.
THP finished the year with a modest surplus of $2.1 million. This was achieved through prudent financial management and stewardship of resources, planning and forecasting, execution on our operational plan as well as working closely with the government to address ongoing pandemic pressures. Examples of pressures experienced by THP were the increased costs of care delivery as well as management of COVID-19 services such as testing and vaccine delivery.
Through the prudent stewardship of resources we have made important capital investments to support the health of people in the community. This includes creating new inpatient capacity by adding 59 beds to our operating platform and making key investments in tools and equipment including defibrillators, hemodialysis machines, replacing aging inpatient beds, an Advance Breast Biopsy System, and critical COVID-19 response tools such as a COVID-19 Testing Analyzer.
Looking to the year ahead, we will continue to advance our transformational work including the master plan redevelopment projects and our accelerated long-term care home build to expand services for the growing community. We will remain focused on providing access to high quality and sustainable services for the community while protecting the health and safety of the health care workers, patients, and families we serve.

Full audited financial statements are available at this link, or by calling Communications and Public Affairs at 905-848-7580 ext. 1636
For more information on Innovation and Research
The Institute for Better Health is a key enabler for shaping a new kind of health care for a healthier community through the application of scientific expertise, innovative thinking and partnerships.
Thanks to our Community and Donors
Working with our community and donors, Trillium Health Partners Foundation raises the critical funds needed to address the highest priority needs of Trillium Health Partners.