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Before Baby Is Born

Baby-Friendly Initiative

QUALITY and Patient Safety 

Every pregnancy is different. Even if this is your fourth baby instead of your first, chances are good you will have questions about something that you haven’t experienced before. We’ve compiled the information on the page to help you during the period before your baby is born.

You can find answers to other questions about your pregnancy and having your baby in our Coming to the Hospital, Having Your Baby and After Baby is Born pages.

Resources for Patients & Families

Below are answers to some of our most frequently asked questions

How do I register for the birth of my baby?
How do I cope at home in early labour?
What is a Non Stress Test (NST)?
What if I want to collect umbilical cord blood?
What does GBS mean?
What is Induction of Labour? Do I need it?

How do I register for the birth of my baby?

You will need to complete the following form to register for your birth at the hospital

  • In-patient registration form found in the envelope given to you by your doctor or midwife.

Please complete both sides as soon as you receive it and return it to your doctor or midwife’s office. This information will be sent to the hospital to register you for your baby’s birth. 
Please ensure that the form is complete. Missing information will cause a delay in your admission as we require this before you receive care.

  • “Wishes for Your Baby’s Birth and Hospital Stay”

This gives you the opportunity to tell the staff who will be caring for you something about yourself. The purpose is to encourage communication between you and your care providers.
Please bring this form with you when you come to the hospital.

How do I cope at home in early labour?

  • Eating and drinking is encouraged
  • Normal activity is encouraged – short walks
  • Rest/Sleep when you feel tired
  • Use breathing, relaxation and focusing
  • Find positions that are most comfortable for you
  • Use hot/cold packs, massage, music, rocking
  • You may shower or bathe

What is a Non Stress Test (NST)?

Your health care provider may suggest a Non Stress Test (NST) during pregnancy. An NST is used to monitor your baby's heart rate and movements while you are pregnant. The nurse will place a monitor on your abdomen to assess the baby's heartbeat and will check to see if you are having any contractions. An NST will take at least 20 minutes once you have been placed on the monitor, but sometimes it may take longer based on the information we are looking to collect. Scheduled NSTs may be delayed if the unit is busy.

What if I want to collect umbilical cord blood?

Some parents choose to have their baby's umbilical cord blood collected at the time of birth to be stored for future use. You will need to pre-register with a company that collects umbilical cord blood ahead of time. If you decide at the last minute to have this procedure done, extra packages are available. *This procedure is not covered by OHIP. There are additional costs for preparation and collection of umbilical cord blood.

What does GBS mean?

GBS means Group B Streptococcus. You should be aware of your GBS status. If it is positive, you will receive some antibiotics to decrease the risk of infection to the baby during the birth. Your doctor or midwife will discuss GBS with you during your pregnancy.

What is Induction of Labour? Do I need it?

Induction of Labour is a medical procedure that helps soften your cervix and starts your labour contractions. Your health care provider will talk to you about whether or not Induction of Labour is something you require. The decision to induce your labour is made when the benefits of having your baby sooner outweigh waiting for your labour to occur naturally. The entire process can take 1-2 days (occasionally longer) - babies are not always born on the same day as your induction.

Your health care provider may discuss induction with you if any of the following are present:

  • High blood pressure
  • Ruptured membranes (water broken) without signs of labour
  • Medical condition such as Type 1 Diabetes
  • Baby's growth is less than expected
  • 8 days past due date
  • You are having twins
  • You have had a previous stillbirth

Your health care provider will organize your induction with the Birthing Suites staff. You will be called to come in when the unit is ready for your arrival. Your induction may be delayed if the unit is extremely busy. When you arrive a Non Stress Test will be done and some blood will be drawn from you. The health care provider will assess you and decide either to use a medication or to break your water. After the procedure we will monitor the baby's heart rate for 1-2 hours and then you may be sent home depending on your condition. Sometimes the procedure needs to be repeated if your labour does not start with the first attempt. You may be brought back the same day for more medication or in 24-hours depending on the type of medication used.