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Music of Healing and Hope


Volunteer Music Performers contribute to positive experiences for patients, families/visitors and staff of Trillium Health Partners. Those who visit our hospitals enjoy hearing our volunteers perform and it also creates a welcoming atmosphere for visitors. Volunteer Music Performers also gain satisfaction from providing music and supporting fellow volunteers, patients, families/visitors and staff’s wellbeing. CTV Toronto featured some of our remarkable Trillium Health Partner staff members who have donated their time to perform for patients, visitors and fellow colleagues.​

Volunteer Performers

The Steinway grand piano that resides in the hospital’s main lobby was donated by Mr. Grant Clarkson in honor of his late wife, Janet Elizabeth Clarkson so that Credit Valley’s patients, visitors, staff, physicians and volunteers would con­tinue to enjoy its music.

In an effort to continue our philosophy of “healing and hope”, Trillium Health Partners - Credit Valley Hospital offers music in the beautiful main atrium of the hospital Monday - Friday. The Music of Healing and Hope Program will feature accomplished volunteer mu­sicians from our own hospital community and the Mississauga area.

We invite you, or any other musician who plays professionally or who has achieved a minimum grade nine level standing in music, to consider volunteering 45 min­utes of time to perform for our patients, visitors and staff.

Do you play a musical instrument? In an effort to continue our legacy of “healing and hope”, music is provided in the lobbies at Credit Valley Hospital and Queensway Health Centre. We invite musicians who play professionally to consider volunteering 45 minutes of time to perform for our patients, visitors and staff.  ​

  • Performers must be 15 years of age or older  
  • Must have a minimum grade 9 musical performance standard from a recognized performing arts organization  
  • Performer must submit application form with resume and references (available from the Volunteer Resources Office)  
  • Performer must be able to provide instrumentation and other performance paraphernalia enabling them to perform without hospital technical support.  
  • Upon acceptance of application, Volunteer Resources will establish performance date(s) that are mutually agreeable with the performer.  
  • Performer will sign a consent form prior to performance.  
  • Performance will be limited to the agreed upon lobby area. Individual performances in patient rooms or other areas of the hospital will not be permitted due to infection control issues.  
  • Performers are strictly forbidden from soliciting funds and/or selling promotional materials.​

For more information, please contact:
Samadhi Puwakdandawa, Volunteer Resources Administrative Assistant. 
